What are some roles/images that society expects women to fulfill?
What roles/images does society expect men to fulfill?
How realistic are these expectations? How compatible are they? Can you fill all of them at once, or do they contradict?
Who do these expectations benefit? You, or the person who formed them?
Are there more expectations placed on men or women? Whose do you feel are more difficult/unrealistic to fulfill?
Students can make a list of expectations/roles/images that society has for women/men, where each one comes from (political party, TV Show, company ad, parent, school, church, etc.) and make a graphic to present the answers to the questions about each one.
Post Read Activity:
Using the decision making model given by the author, examine choices that you have made in your life and how they fit into that model. Also consider choices you may have to make in the future. Do you think the framework is a good one for decision making? Why or why not?
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