How to Use This Blog

Welcome!  The purpose of this blog is to provide resources for teachers using "Men are Scum, Women are Stupid" as a text in their units on relationships.  On the right you will see links for each chapter.  Click on the chapter that you are preparing to teach, and you will find questions and activities that you can use.  Feel free to copy these into documents to print out worksheets, or just use them for class discussions.

These are just a few ideas that I have come up with, and I haven't had a chance to test these with students yet.  Please share your reviews and suggestions so that other teachers can see what works.  Also, feel free to post your own ideas in the comment section, or if you have worksheets you are willing to share, please email me so that I can post them for everyone to use.

Along with lessons that go with the book, I will also try to keep up with news stories and other resources that you can use.  You can also get more from my other blog, where I add entries on current events as they relate to this topic.